How to create a successful business on the growing of stone-pome fruits and nut crops - discussed by the participants of the specialized conference in Kyiv on July 4

09.07.2024, 09:18

X International scientific and practical conference "Successful Horticulture and Processing. Stone -Pome Fruits. Nut Crops" took place on July 4 in the Kyiv hotel and restaurant complex "Verkhovyna". The event brought together leading experts in cultivating stone-pome fruits and nut crops. More than 150 participants from different regions of Ukraine: Rivne, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia regions, and others were presented. On July 4, many experts delivered speeches on various topics to the conference participants. Meanwhile, parallel with the speeches, there was an exhibition of technologies and equipment for the horticulture industry, a presentation of processing products, and negotiation tables with trade representatives. On July 5, a business tour with visiting farms "Hals Agro" which grows hazelnuts using intensive technology, and the “Uman Fruit Company”, which grows cherries using the latest technologies.
- This conference is the 36th in a row. We are grateful to everyone who took part in this event. We’d like to thank our partners with whom we have been moving side by side all these years in the fields of horticulture, berry, vegetable and nut growing, and beverage production, - was noted by Kateryna KONYEVA and Nadia Yashchuk, founder of the media group "Technologies and Innovations", during the welcoming speech.
Volodymyr PECHKO, the head of the public union "UKRSADVYNPROM" also delivered a speech. Acting Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras VYSOTSKY noted that Ukrainian horticulture has made a big breakthrough over the last decade, and today it’s a successful and competitive sector in Europe and the world. According to him, several factors contributed to the development of horticulture, including state programs to support the industry, and land reform. However, the main role was played by entrepreneurs, thanks to their dedication, professionalism, and creativity that the industry is still developing.
- Horticulture in Ukraine has made a real revolution over the last decades. Previously, Ukraine constantly imported fruits and berries, but now we fully meet domestic needs and are stable fruit exporters to EU markets. This recognition of the fact, that Ukrainian products are of high quality and price competitive, was emphasized by Taras Vysotskyi. Moreover, he also reminded me about the state support for opening my own business. 
In particular, in 2022, a government grant program for the development of horticulture came into effect for small and medium-sized businesses. According to the conditions, an entrepreneur can receive a grant of up to 7 million hryvnias. For two and a half years, grants for almost 800 million hryvnias have been received for almost 2,600 hectares of new orchards. At the same time, these are also new jobs for more than 800 permanent and 25 thousand seasonal workers.
Raisa Vozhegova, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and director of the Institute of Climate-Oriented Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, also welcomed participants.
During the conference, donations for an evacuation vehicle for the 1st mechanized battalion of the 28th separate mechanized brigade named after the Knights of the Winter Campaign were collected, organized by Serhiy NOVOSAD, a partner of the media group "Technologies and Innovations". This donation is still open, and you can join it at the link: 
The situation in horticulture: ways of survival and progress
The speakers paid attention to ways of development for the horticultural industry in the current conditions. Thus, for example, regarding the reservation of conscripts at the enterprise, the definition of enterprise as crucially important for the functioning of the economy in a wartime period, told Oleksander VOLOSHENKO, director of the "GORIH POLISSIA" farm
A discussion panel on the topic "Situation in horticulture of Ukraine: ways of survival and progress." The moderator of the discussion was Volodymyr PECHKO, the head of the public union "UKRSADVYNPROM". The president of the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Association Taras BASHTANNYK, and acting president, head of the sector of horticulture and hops, chief specialist of the Department of Agriculture and Crop Production of the Department of Agrarian Development, Tetyana KOSYANCHUK took part in the discussion.
The speakers told how to ensure personnel stability at the enterprises and farms of the industry and analyzed the situation in the horticulture industry, price policy, and market realities. Moreover, experts also paid attention to holding balance during the power outage crisis caused by the war. About how the employee reservation mechanism functions today in the online regime, was told by Serhii SMOLANKA, Director of the Department of Economy, Security and Defense of the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
Tetyana Kosyanchuk provided statistical data on how the horticulture, nut, and berry growing sector is developing in Ukraine:
- According to FAO data, Ukraine is enlisted among the twenty countries in terms of berry and fruit production among 194 countries of the world. Thus, in the 3rd place - currants; the 5th place - cranberries; on the 8th place - raspberries and nuts; on the 9th - cherry; on the 13th - apples and plums; and finally 16th place - pears. Ukraine is one of the leading producers of strawberries, ranking 23rd in terms of production volume. The area of pome fruit orchards in Ukraine is 75.6 thousand hectares. The area of stone fruit orchards in 2023 according to all categories was decreased by 4.3%. In particular, peach areas decreased by 13.3%. It should be noted the leading regions of stone fruit production, are Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, Odesa, Khmelnytskyi, Zakarpattia, and Vinnytsia regions, where more than 43% of the whole harvest or more than 189 thousand tons of all stone fruits in total. Raspberries are the most exported berry crops. However, the entire amount of berries decreased through military invasion in the regions where a significant part of these crops was grown. Strawberries occupy 40% of the area of berry plantations; raspberry, blackberry - 26%; currant - 18%; blueberries - 6%. Nut woods have risen quite quickly in recent years in planting new areas thanks to the grant program. Hazelnuts and walnuts occupy more than 700 hectares of new plantations.
According to Tetyana Kosyanchuk, the grant program started 2 years ago. About 8.5 UAH billion were allocated to grant programs, among which 922 million UAH are grants for horticulture and greenhouse farms. As of July 4, 227 orders have been signed, grants for orchards for over 794,605 UAH have been provided and the area of plantations is over 2,600 hectares.
According to Tetyana Kosyanchuk, the grant program started 2 years ago. About 8.5 UAH billion for grant programs were allocated, among which 922 million UAH are grants for horticulture and greenhouse farms. As of July 4, 227 orders have been signed where grants for orchards for over 794,605 UAH have been provided, and the area of plantations is over 2,600 hectares. 
As for the forecasts for this season, according to Taras Bashtannyk, an optimistic situation with apple exports will be this year.  
The cluster of Dutch companies "Stiyka Ukraina" was presented by its co-organizer, as well as the director of the company "Rosetta Agro" Valeriy LYSHYNSKYI. The mission of the "Stiyka Ukraina" cluster is to provide prospects for Ukrainian and Dutch colleagues in Ukrainian horticulture through the contribution and development of new types of activities, exchange of knowledge and technologies, and improve partnership relations between both countries. So, it`s worth mentioning that  "Resilient Ukraine" has united manufacturers of planting materials, products and equipment, suppliers, technologies, trade, retail, services, and processing. According to Valeriy Lyashynskyi, 2024 is the year of regenerative agriculture for the "Resistant Ukraine" cluster.
- All over the world, agricultural soils are over-exploited and need time to recover, which is possible through the regenerative cultivation technologies of crops. These include cropping systems with minimal disruption to soil integrity and soil-restorative crop rotations using varieties that are naturally more resistant to diseases and stresses such as lack of water or extreme heat. The mentioned problems are not isolated and must be solved by joint efforts. They require cooperation between the parties in the entire agricultural production chain, taking into account the requirements of industry and finished consumers regarding technical characteristics of the product and costs, was noted speaker.
Successful experience of growing stone and pome fruits 
We share a successful experience that inspires others to create businesses from zero and develop existing orchards. Successful specialists who can share their valuable experience in achieving great results were presented on July 4.
Crozet Thierry, an international consultant in stone fruit growing also delivered his speech online. He talked about the peculiarities of industrial cherry cultivation, the most promising varieties on the global market, and methods of tree formation to increase the fruit quality.
Why is cherry an underrated crop in the Ukrainian stone fruit market? Maxim KOLOSOV, the founder of the company FRESH BERRY, talked about this topic and the advantages of this fruit for industrial cultivation. According to the speaker, cherry is a promising crop for Ukraine, and its advantage is that many processes in care can be mechanized.
– If you want to grow cherries successfully, choose an appropriate variety for a specific region. On our farm, the Lyutovka variety has proven itself the best. That`s why a successful cherry-growing business requires the quality of the seedlings and their appropriation. There must be a reservoir nearby for irrigation. Before planting the plantation, as for other crops, we sowed siderates and carried out deep loosening of soils. Our orchard is planted according to an intensive scheme: 1.5 * 4 m, a total of 1666 trees per hectare. It is important to form the crown properly. Cherry does not like to be pruned too much. A contour pruner will help to make a beautiful crown. Thus, thinning and removal of excess branches can be done manually. We use a contour pruner, mechanized harvesting, and a drip irrigation system for our orchard. This is very important for our region, in the Mykolaiv region, - shared Maksym Kolosov.
Olena KISHCHAK, the PhD of agricultural sciences at the Institute of Horticulture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, paid attention to the technological aspects of creating present-day cherry orchards. Yevgen ROZSOKHA, the head of the nursery "Hadz" shared his experience in growing stone fruits. Vadym ROZPOTNYUK, agronomist of the "Ivanivska Kalyna" farm paid attention to the peculiarities of growing pome fruits. The speaker paid attention to the cultivation of pears in the Vinnytsia region. The farm is located in the Kaliniv district of the Vinnytsia region. Currently, 14 hectares of pear orchards are grown there. The trellis and an anti-hail net have been installed in the pear orchard. Moreover, a modern drip irrigation system with an integrated protection system is also there. Water is taken from a local river using a pumping station installed near the river. The farm grows pears of the Yablunivska and Noyabrska varieties, seedlings of which were purchased at the Bakhmut nursery. High-quality planting material of the winter red-fruited pear variety Alesia was purchased from the Belgian nursery Carolus.
An exclusive crop, the features of which were discussed by the conference participants, is rosehip. Pavlo ROHOZA, commercial director of the enterprise "Rosehip Ukraine" devoted his speech to this topic. According to the speaker, the perspective of the rosehip is that the term of use of the plantation is 15-20 years in a row. At the same time, this crop is frost- and drought-resistant, resistant to diseases and pests due to the late flowering in the second half of May, and gives good harvests. 
Vitaliy Chata, director of "Korets-Sad" enterprise, our constant participant in the conference, emphasized that such events are important to find new acquaintances, exchange experiences, and communicate with old friends and partners.
Nut growing is a promising direction of business development
In Ukraine, the hazelnut market is still not formed and there’s not enough raw material for confectionery production. Therefore, hazelnuts have long-term prospects in the future, as noted by Vadym BORTNYK, the owner of "Sady Polissya". According to him, processed hazelnuts should be sent to the domestic market, in particular, to confectionery factories, restaurants, and bakeries. Also, according to the speaker, nut oil and nut shells, which are used as coal for hookahs and pellets, are promising too. The plans of the "Sady Polissya" farm include the production of nuts with honey and some craft products in bakeries.
- It should be noted that pollination is not the last in gardening. Bees play an important role in the pollination of fruit and berry crops. Thanks to the pollination of orchards by bees, it is possible to increase harvest by up to 30%. Therefore, for us, bees are a controlled pollination of orchards honey and bee products for sale, a bee house for ecotourism in the future. According to Vadym Bortnyk, bees provide an opportunity to produce hazelnut, cherry, and honey products in a complex. He also revealed peculiarities of business diversification.
"Sady Polissya" grows Ukrainian selection varieties such as Lozivsky Okulyasty, Ukraina 50, Pyrizhok, and Yantarny.
According to the owner, these Ukrainian varieties were chosen, taking into account zoning and climatic indicators, resistance to diseases, and availability. Innovative approaches to the cultivation of hazelnut and almond seedlings were analyzed by Vasyl BABANSKY, the director of the farm named after Academician of Unanova.
You can`t grow a good orchard without good "Groundwork ". What is the groundwork for a garden? This is the proper choice of land plot. This cannot be neglected. It is necessary to clearly understand the land properties for getting profit. The foundation of a successful garden is also quality planting material, which should be purchased only from certified, official nurseries. We also need to be careful about rootstocks and take into account what kind of trees we want to have: tall, medium, short, etc., said Vasyl Babanskyi.
Conference participants learned about the selection of high-quality planting material for nuts, as well as how to choose varieties for cultivation successfully.
Technologies for growing stone, pome, and nut crops
An additional important thematic block of the conference is the organization of effective care for stone, pome, and nut crops. In particular, Oleksander BYKOVSKYI, an agronomist-consultant in horticulture of the "Agritema" company, presented current biological solutions. 
Volodymyr SILENKO, Head of the Horticulture and Vegetable Growing Technology Support Department of BTU Biotechnological Company, also paid attention to the biological solutions for fruit crops.
Ruslan GAVRYLIANCHYK, Product manager, and head of R&D in Ukraine of UniferX enterprise, told the conference participants about using protectors against abiotic stresses on stone, pome, and nut crops.
- Abiotic stresses are difficult to control now, especially in the current realities related to climate change. For example, this year was a super early spring with spring frosts and excessively high temperatures in summer with replacing downpours. A new line called BETINO will help to protect the plant from these factors and analyze the composition and effect of the drugs, as noted by Ruslan Gavrilyanchyk. 
What are the challenges that farmers have to overcome in stone and nut crop cultivation, was revealed by Volodymyr Voevodin, an expert of the "BASF" company. In particular, the speaker paid attention to the fact that this year, due to a combination of various factors, there were not enough bees to pollinate the trees. In the context of his report, the speaker analyzed drugs offered by BASF which helps to obtain high-quality crops.
Oleg DUBYNA, director of development of the company "RODONIT AGRO", gave advice on effective protection and nutrition of the nut and stone fruit orchards. And about the peculiarities of intensive nutrition of fruit and berry crops were told by the representative of the ICL company, Volodymyr ZABALUEV.
- What does the consumer face when using water-soluble fertilizers? Many farmers are starting to use simple salts to save money. They don`t want to use water-soluble fertilizers, and monopotassium phosphate, potassium sulfate, and others are used separately. As a result, the drip irrigation system begins to clog, and plants receive different amounts of water because the irrigation system is clogged somewhere more or less.
The “ICL” company offers simple salts and water-soluble NPK, depending on the needs of farmers. Volodymyr Zabaluyev analyzed the performance of the fertilizers offered by the “ICL” company.
Dmytro TYMOSHENKO, the technical support manager of the company "Syngenta", advised on protection against the main diseases of stone fruits.
The key task of any farmer is to make a profit. We must grow a crop and sell it successfully. One of the elements for making a good profit is protecting the plantation from diseases and pests. It’s impossible to get a high-quality harvest without a competent protection system. In choosing preparations, you need to know what exactly we need to control and which disease we want to get rid of, as one preparation will not help to solve all problems, was noted by Dmytro Tymoshenko, who analyzed the drugs of the "Synenta" company.
Makar TERESHENKO, PhD of Agrarian Sciences, plant nutrition consultant “Timac Agro”, owner of certified hazelnut nurseries specializing in producing hazelnut trees for orchard plantings, and honorable member of the Association of nut-bearing Crops of Ukraine, analyzed innovative solutions in the nutrition of perennial plantations.
The primary company task is to create biostimulants that help plants intake nutrients that are placed in the soil to help them form a powerful root system. One thing is to give a power element, another thing is to help the plant take it from the soil and fully use it, was emphasized by Makar Tereshchenko.
It’s important not only to develop properly a scheme of protection and nutrition for plantings but also to set up an irrigation system properly. Vladyslav RAZKEVICH, co-owner of "Evkalipt P" company, devoted his speech to this topic. The speaker paid attention to a common mistake of farmers - neglecting sand - gravel filters.
- If you have an open pond, you should use a sand-gravel filter. This is an axiom. Nothing can be managed with the organics that flourish in an open pond like a sand-gravel filter. Even if it is an artificial pond with rapid water renewal, organics will still appear during the hot season, get into the irrigation system, and clog the filters. Other types of filters will not save from this, - shared Vladyslav Razkevych. 
What should be taken into account at the stage of planning the orchard to avoid all losses in the future? What stages can the installation of an anti-hail system or a system for protection against rain (for stone plants) be broken down; all pitfalls during installing pillars, anchors, and anti-submergence plates - these questions were answered by Nataliya LUT, director of the "SAD OK" company, during her speech.
During planning the orchard, first of all, you need to contact specialists who will develop the project. It’s worth choosing specialists who have experience working with protective systems and who understand what are the requirements for such systems, limitations, and what must be taken into account during the design of such a system. Specialists must be provided with a plan of plantations for installing a protective barrier system, and they will help divide the area into sectors to obtain as efficient as possible from a financial point of view, as well as from the point of view of using the area with a minimum amount of land for traffic, inter-row roads, turning lanes, etc. It is important to understand: the larger the area of the sector the cheaper the cost of materials per hectare. The most expensive materials are installed along the perimeter - extreme posts, anchors, anti-submergence plates, and cables. The smaller the perimeter, the cheaper the price of the system for one hectare, - noted Natalia Lut.
Ivanna MARCHENKO, the specialist in plant varieties of the “Pakharenko and Partners” Patent Law Firm, the main legal partner of the conference, gave recommendations on the observance of intellectual property rights during planting orchards.
To protect yourself from counterfeiting while purchasing planting material, first of all, note that a label is attached to each bunch of seedlings, which indicates the following producer, culture, pomological and commercial variety, category, and batch number. The mistake is to tell the seller the desired variety and not check the documents. Each batch of planting material for sale must be accompanied by a certificate certifying the varietal qualities of the planting material. It`s prohibited to use and sell planting material that`s not provided with accompanying documents about their origin and quality. These documents must be kept at the place of trade and shown on demand.
More and more gardeners are now paying attention to growing under cover. The commercial director of "IT Lynx Service" company, the official distributor of Haygrove in Ukraine, Oleg DIDUKH, delivered a speech on growing stone fruits under covered soil using the example of cherries.
– The main problems that arise during the growth of cherries are frosts, fires, birds, and mosquitoes. The open soil does not allow for control, especially in large areas. These problems can be avoided by using tunnels. The tunnels are completely adapted for large-scale field growing with high yields, was noted by Oleg Didukh, and he also analyzed different types of Haygrove tunnels.
Mechanization is becoming more relevant in the context of a shortage of workers on farms. Berry growers are faced with problems on how to use effective mechanisms that help quickly harvest and do not damage the fruits and bushes. Such mechanisms are proposed by the Polish company Weremczuk Agromachines. Eva BEZKOROVAINA, the marketing and product development manager of the Weremzhuk company, analyzed these achievements of such mechanization. How to ensure a clear pre-sale preparation and processing of stone fruits and nut crops, was told by Bogdan Peev, the director of the company “PB Engineering”, who introduced successful cases with clients.
– One of the most common products on the Ukrainian market is fruit pitting machines and calibration machines. For the last 3 years, we installed 3 different lines of such machines from different customers and all enterprises operate with them successfully. The main aspect of their activity is not the size of the investment, but the proper management in choosing equipment organization for installation and testing. Our orders were delivered on time, tested to remove faults, and installed. This is an example of what can be done with small investments. These machines for cherries are universal, and clients have successfully used them to process plums as well, says Bogdan Peev. The new possibilities of processing with current equipment for fruits from PND Fruit Processing Machinery were discussed by Valerio de CARO, Sales Manager of the “PND” company.
It`s worth noting that the conference participants included farmers, representatives from various enterprises and companies who have previously attended us, as well as our regular participants.
– About 2 years ago, I came to the conference of the media group “Technologies and Innovations” to introduce a new product – Nordox 75 WG. Honestly, I was embarrassed from the left side there was one competitor, and from the right side - another one. So, I thought: “What am I doing here, and how I`m going to sell this preparation? This is a new product, something that no one knows anything about yet.” And even then, Vitaliy Chata came to me, saying, that he knew this preparation and ordered it from Poland too. Then I got to know my colleagues. I want to say thanks to the conference, organized by the “Technologies and Innovations” media group, I met new friends, partners, and clients. So, my tip to colleagues, if you want to enter the market with a new product for horticulture you need to participate in the events of the media group “Technologies and Innovations,” noted Oleg DUBYNA, the director of development of the company "Rodonit Agro".
Together with the speakers` speeches, there was an exhibition of technologies and materials for horticulture. The conference partners were the following:  public union “UKRSADVINPROM”, “Gordiy Garden”, “Hals Agro”, IP and Law firm “Pakharenko and Partners”, the Embassy of the Netherlands in Ukraine, “Resilient Ukraine", “IFT PLUS”, “Agritema”, “Rodonit Agro”, “Hiprose Ukraine”, “De Camp Ukraine”, “UniferIX”, BASF, “Eucalipt P", “Timak Agro”,
“Biokhem Agro”, “ProfPoliv”, “Syngenta”, “Novosad”, ICL, “Fruit Garden”, “Gadz”, “PB Engineering”, BTU, “Makita Ukraine”, “IT Lynx Service”, “MAC Systems", ALFA Smart Agro, "Bionorma", SAD OK, "Tolsma", Rosana Biological Solutions, Makosh, "4 Styhii", "SmartAgro", "Vodovid", "Agrostar", "IKARAI Ukraine", PND, Institute of Horticulture NAAS of Ukraine, Unimash, “Nuts of Polissya”, Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NAAS). Thanks to all partners for participating and supporting the conference!
Negotiations with representatives of trade wholesale retailers
In the separate hall, there were negotiation tables with representatives of wholesale retailers, in particular, "Eco-market", "Auchan", and "Epicenter K".
Vyacheslav MIKHALEVSKY, the deputy director of the commercial department of the Vegetables and Fruits sector of the retail "Eco Market" said that although there were not so many people willing to cooperate but participating in the conference was productive. Even so, the conference participants were interested in the terms of cooperation with trade retailers.
The negotiations were productive for Roman POLISCHUK, the head of the fresh food purchasing unit of the "Auchan Ukraine"
– The first thing I would like to note is the high level of organization of the conference. The negotiation tables were organized in a separate hall, and every retail had a separate table. Tight negotiation leads to cooperation with the contract signing up. I do hope that in the future we will have new reliable partners. The common goal of all farmers with whom we have had the opportunity to work is to work directly without an intermediary. Also, many growers don’t have experience in working with retailers so they believe in the story about unrealistic conditions of cooperation. However, after the negotiations, optimism appears in their eyes. That’s why, this meeting was so useful for me, shared Roman Polishchuk.
Exhibition-presentation of processing products
Processing products - nfc juices, fruit and berry wines, tinctures, mead beverages, etc. - were presented by our food partners: farm "Valentyna", Craftsad, Oleg Kusch`s mead beverages, Shikarden, TM "Yablo", farm "Yagidna Polyana". In particular, conference participants tasted fruit and berry wines presented by TM SHIKARDEN.
Oleksander and Natalia SHIKIRAVI, who started a family business in Zhytomyr Oblast, also presented their wines. The assortment of fruit and berry wines included blueberry, hascap, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, cherry, plum, etc. Oleksander SHIKIRAVI ensured that the best quality berries are used for production because only then is quality and tasty wine obtained. The whole family is involved in the fruit and berry wine production because it is all manual labor, especially the preparation of berries for processing.
Oleksander SHIKIRAVI noted that sometimes they buy 300 kg of berries which need to be sorted and prepared for fermentation as quickly as possible. Then we work as a whole family until late at night.  After all, this is a matter as nothing can be postponed; otherwise, the wine material will spoil. He emphasized the main thing in this business is love for what you do and enthusiasm. Only in this case, it will be possible to successfully develop quality wine production so that the phrase indicated on the label is relevant: "We offer wine that we drink ourselves."
NFC juices were presented by representatives of the farm "Valentyna". Now, there are 15 flavors in the list. Thus, apple juice and blends (apple-carrot, apple-beet, etc.) have been started making mixes with berries. The CraftSAD family distillery presented spirits. At the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, CraftSAD production suffered and is now recovering.
Now we also make classic Ukrainian authentic beverages such as khrinovuha based on horseradish, also perstivka, and unique author`s drinks. For example, we present an infusion made by the author`s recipe of my husband Oleksander, named "For borscht". This drink is flavored with lard, smoked meats, and spices. There are also drinks with the taste of black bread, spicy brew, etc. We produce gins, fruit distillates, calvados, grappa, chacha, whiskey, etc., said the co-founder of the distillery, Lesya Slobodyan.
The conference participants tasted mead brewing drinks from Oleg Kusch, located in the Kyiv region. He emphasized that in ancient times our ancestors did not drink "gorilka" but instead prepared mead alcoholic drinks. Today, Oleg Kusch is reviving the status of mead alcoholic drinks experimenting with recipes, and introducing national Ukrainian drinks to his friends. Oleg Kusch has his own apiary. Honey from this apiary goes directly to the production of drinks. 
- Mead alcoholic drinks are based on 20% honey and natural spring water with the addition of natural berries, such as blackberry, blueberry, viburnum, and others. It turns out into a tasty, useful, and life-giving drink that ages a year. The technology for the preparation of all drinks does not contain any preservatives. The assortment also includes honey brands, which are based on honey wort. It is aged in barrels and then placed in a cellar near the river, where it matures at a temperature of 2–3 ℃. If honey brandy aged for 3 years, then it will come out with great relish, was told by Oleg Kusch.
Farm "Yagidna Polyana" presented at the conference the blueberry processing products: wine, pastille, jams, marmalades, and sauces. 
The exhibition of processing products showed that a business can diversify and open new avenues to capture additional profits.
Business tour to the horticultural and nut growing farms
On the next conference day, a business tour to the leading farms, which grew stone fruits and nut crops, took place on 5 July.
The “Hals Agro” corporation grows 400 hectares of hazelnuts using intensive technology. The "Hals Agro" has introduced new technologies and up-to-date machinery is used. Bushes are planted in a scheme of 4 x 3 m, through 4 rows and 6-meter spacing. Such kind of scheme allows you to plant 740 plants per hectare. Following the advice of Italian practices, for the ease of technological orchard cultivation (and then harvesting), the 5th row was designed with a spacing of 6 meters between the rows. These are intensive plantings that will result in potentially high yields. The main varieties on the plantations of the “Hals Agro” corporation are Tonda Gentile, Tonda di Giffoni, and also pollination – Tonda Romana, Barcelona, Mortarella, Cosford. All planting material – microcloned seedlings with a closed root system, was purchased from the Italian companies Battistini Vivai and Vitroplant. Stem cutters, row mowers, and LOCHMANN  sprayers are also used for maintenance. These and other mechanisms make it easier and faster to monitor plantations.
"Uman Fruit Company" is well-known for its high-tech intensive plantings of cherries. The company is expanding its cherry plantings. Thus, in 2022 the area was increased by 3 hectares, in 2023 – by 1 hectare, and this year was extended by another 2 hectares. In the 2024 season, the area will cover 22 hectares. The consumption of various mid- and late-season cherries is gaining popularity in Europe. The main ones are Cordia, Regina, and Tamara, whose fruits are large, fleshy, and sweet. The gardening material was purchased from the Dutch company Fleuren and the Belgian nursery Depa Fruit. The cherries at the “Uman Fruit Company” grow on the Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 rootstocks, but recently the tree was planted to grow on Gisela 12. The watering system is provided by "Vodovid" company and the trellis is covered - “Sad OK”. The cherries of the “Uman Fruit Company” are cooled and sold on the domestic market. Some of the products are processed.
You can read more articles about the conference results in the journal “Horticulture and Vegetable Growing. Technologies and Innovations”, which will be released in July.
The upcoming conference of the media group “Technologies and Innovations” is scheduled for October 24–25. And, event will be dedicated to pome fruits and its processing - “Successful Horticulture and Processing: Technologies and Innovations. Pome Fruits. Juices” 
To register participants and partners, please contact:
Larysa Tovkach, tel..: +38 097 96 89 516
Anna Pankratenkova, tel: +38 097 759 25 83
Iryna Petronyuk, tel: +38 096 49 166 92