Stone and pome fruits, nut crops, and drinks - made with fruits, berries, and nuts: cultivation, care, processing, July 4-5, Kyiv

03.05.2024, 09:36

We invite you to participate in the international scientific-practical conference!
X International Charitable scientific-practical conference will be introduced by the media group "Technologies and Innovations" "Successful Horticulture and Processing: Stone and Pome Fruits, Nut Crops. Drinks" which will take place in the hotel and restaurant complex "Verkhovyna" on July 4-5, Kyiv. On July 4, a conference day will include experts` speeches on growing stone and pome fruits, nut crops, and beverage producers of juices, ciders, distillates, and other processed products. Meanwhile, on July 5, a business tour will take place for conference participants with visiting well-known farming enterprises who are engaged in growing stone and pome fruits, nut crops, and processing - "Hals Agro", "Uman Fruit Company", and farm "Valentyna".
The conference organizer is the media group "Technologies and Innovations", the publisher of specialized industry journals "Horticulture and Vegetable Growing, Nut Wood. T.I.", "Berry Field", "Drinks. Beer. T.I.", again will bring together the horticultural community to exchange experience, promote the latest technologies, discuss effective methods and ways for plant care of promising horticultural and nut crops, as well as juices and distillates production. We do our best to strengthen farming businesses, expand opportunities in sale markets, and help the country`s economy in this heavy period during wartime.
The venue of the conference - the village of Petropavlivska Borshchahivka, str. Petropavlivska, 24.
The conference agenda covers a wide range from stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, peaches, sweet cherries), pome fruits (apples, pears), nuts crops (hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, etc.) to processing, in particular, NFC juices, ciders, distillates, and other drinks based on fruits and berries. The conference assists in the development of a strategy for the success of your business. Despite wartime, how can we overcome the challenges existing in the current market and contribute to the economic stability of the country? For Ukrainian horticultural companies - show opportunities to gain leading positions in the stone-pome fruits and nut crops sectors on the European and global markets.
So, it’s worth mentioning that the conference`s aims are unchanged: popularization and implementation of current technologies for growing and processing stone-pome fruits and nut crops along with the production of juices, distillates, ciders, and other processed products. Traditionally, the event will become the main all-Ukrainian platform for exchanging ideas and uniting all players in this market!
During the conference, with the support of the "Strong and Free" Charitable Foundation, another charity auction of goods and services for horticulture, berry, and vegetable growing industries will take place in support of one of the units of the Armed Forces. We invite companies to join us in supporting our soldiers and provide their goods or services for raffle at the auction.
International scientific and practical conference "Successful Horticulture and Processing: Stone and Pome Fruits. Nut Crops. Drinks." will cover two days.
July 4 – plenary part of the conference.
The program on the 1st day includes speeches by managers of horticultural farms, processing, and juice production enterprises, a presentation of the latest scientific and market research by expert’s industry, reports from representatives of technological companies about innovative approaches and solutions in horticulture, nut growing, processing, juice production, storage and freezing, and communication with representatives of trade networks.
The program also includes a public tasting of NFC juices and other processed products from Ukrainian producers. The previous public tasting took place during the scientific and practical conference "Successful Horticulture" in Vinnytsia Hotel and Restaurant Complex Gostevia last year. It`s important to note that last year`s pubic tasting was introduced by the following companies: farm "Valentyna", enterprise "Sady Pidgaichyky", (TM FAVORITE GARDEN FRUITS), farm "Pryma" (TM "PAN NEDOBA"), farm "Elitfruit"(TM Sims Juice), enterprise "Radishka" (TM Radishka), enterprise "Agrocomplex" (TM Happy Apple), Triada-MK (TM Miriada fruits), Veselyi Didus`. The format of public tasting helps to emphasize the wide spectators of opportunities for the business in the processing fruits and berries into ecologically natural drinks that are in demand on the market that have enough powerful export potential and, at the same time, attract consumers to eco-friendly products based on fruits and berries from Ukrainian producers. There will also be an exhibition of current technologies, equipment, and equipment for horticulture and processing.
Topics of speeches:
• The price situation for the stone-pome fruits and nut crops on the Ukrainian market, possible scenarios of its development, and value-added products while processing and cooperation.
• Plant nurseries in Ukraine and Europe: promising crops and varieties.
• Labor resources in horticulture: looking for new approaches. Mechanization and automation.
• Climatic changes and new challenges in horticulture: fight against spring frosts, rains, hail. And, effective methods of protection against weather risks.
• Intensive sweet cherry cultivation and other stone fruits.
• How to increase the quality and harvest of stone-pome fruits, and nut crops.
• Storage and packaging as a necessary condition for export.
• Stone fruits (cherries, sweet cherries, plums, peaches, apricots): promising varieties and technologies.
• Pome fruits (apples, pears): where are the prospects?
• Hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc. How to ensure success in the global markets?
• Quality products should be sold expensively, or how to organize pre-sale finishing touches and set up business relations with customers of various directions - from a restaurant to retail.
• Process automation in harvesting, storage, processing, and sales of stone fruits.
• Processing is a promising direction for creating value-added production.
• Technologies in NFC juices production.
• Fruit storage and freezing.
July 5 – business tour to the leading farms that are engaged in growing stone and pome fruits, nut crops, and processing: "Hals Agro", "Uman Fruit Company" and farm "Valentyna".
Despite the war, the “Uman Fruit Company” expands its sweet cherry plantations. Thus, in 2022, the area of the plantation was increased by 3 hectares, in 2023 - by 1 hectare, and this year it will be expanded by another 2 hectares. Thus, in the 2024 season, the total plantation area will reach 22 hectares. The enterprise grows various mid-late and late-ripening sweet cherry varieties popular in Europe. The main ones are Cordia, Regina, and Tamara, the fruits of which are large, fleshy, and sweet. Planting materials were purchased from the Dutch company Fleuren and the Belgian nursery Depa Fruit. So, it`s worth mentioning that sweet cherries at the ‘Uman Fruit Company” grow mainly on Gisela 5 and Gisela 6 rootstocks, but the newly planted trees are growing on Gisela 12. The irrigation system has been installed by “Vodovid” company for the past few years, and the trellis and covering from "SAD OK". Cherries of the “Uman Fruit Company” are cooled and sold on the domestic market. Some parts of products are used for processing.
The "Hals Agro" enterprise grows hazelnuts according to intensive technology using the latest technologies and current equipment. Shrubs are planted according to the scheme of 4 x 3 m, and after every 4 rows, there is a 6-meter row spacing. This scheme allows to plant about 740 plants per hectare. According to the advice of Italian practitioners, for the convenience of technological processing of the nut orchard and for further harvesting every 5th row spacing is created with a row spacing of 6 meters between rows. These are intensive plantings that will obtain potentially high yields. The main varieties on the plantations are Tonda Gentile and Tonda di Gifoni. There are also pollinators - Tonda Romana, Barcelona, Mortarella, Cosford. Almost all the planting materials are micro-cloned seedlings with a closed root system, which was purchased from the Italian companies Battistini Vivai and Vitroplant. For plantation care are also used stem cutters, row mowers, LOCHMANN sprayers, etc. These and other mechanisms and tools make it easier and faster to take care of plantations.
The farm "Valentyna", located in the village of Sviatopetrivske, Kyiv-Sviatoshyn district, Kyiv region, occupies 9.5 hectares with growing apples, pears, and plums of various varieties, together with raspberries which were planted at this farm in 2023. Apples are stored in the refrigerator as the warehouse was built and equipped by the Ukrainian company “TRV Kholod”. The equipment maintains the humidity level and appropriate temperature for apples. The farm grows products for the fresh market and processing, so among them are direct-pressed juices. Producers expanded the range of juices and now encountered about 15 tastes on the list. In addition to apple juice and blends (apple-carrot, apple-beet, etc.), berry mixes are being made here. However, it`s important to note that among the berries, fruits, and vegetables, the most popular for making juices are currants, elderberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries, chokeberries, beets, carrots, pears, apricots, lemons. The range also includes tomato juice, which has been produced for 2 years. Juices are made on the line of the Austrian manufacturer VORAN. During the business tour of the farm "Valentyna", the owners will also discuss the business model of this enterprise. This’s a European-American version of a family farm with its store located on the farm territory, where you can immediately buy farming products. 
Thus, during the business tour, conference participants will be able to see how these large-scale enterprises operate, and get acquainted with the advanced technologies of cherry cultivation, not from the magazine pages but via direct communication with the owners of the enterprise.
We invite to take part in the conference enterprises, companies and farms specializing in horticulture, berry-nut growing and processing, suppliers of equipment for soil cultivation, plant care harvesting and storage, freezing, drying, and packaging of products, technological companies specializing in the plant care protection, as well as representatives of trade networks and exporting companies, producers of juices, distillates, ciders, and other processing products.
Since 2016, the "Technologies and Innovations" media group has held 34 large-scale events that every time included about 200-300 participants, who were not only from Ukraine but also from Europe. Traditionally, all our events are presented by exhibitions of advanced technologies and specialized tools from 30 to 50 leading companies from all over Ukraine, as well as from Poland, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, etc.
Registration is still open, and you can take part in the conference "Successful Horticulture and Processing: Stone-Pome Fruits. Nut Crops. Drinks."
Media partners of the conference: specialized industry journals "Horticulture and Vegetable Growing. Technologies and Innovations", "Berry Field", "Nut Wood", "Drinks. Technologies and Innovations", sites,,
Registration of participants and partners - by contacts:
Larysa Tovkach, phone: +38 097 96 89 516,
Anna Pankratenkova, phone: +38 097 759 25 83,
Iryna Petroniuk, phone: +38 096 49 166 92,
Project manager: Nadiya Yashchuk, tel. +38 (068) 568-58-22,
Creative director: Kateryna Konyeva, editor-in-chief of the project "Technologies and Innovations", phone: +38 067 238 18 51