We invite you to participate at the conference on berry growing and processing, and the congress on freezing and cold logistics to be held on December 12-13, 2024.

VIII International scientific and practical conference "Berry Growing and Processing: Technologies and Innovations" will be held on December 12, 2024, in Lviv, in the George Hotel. The IV Congress on Freezing and Cold Logistics will be simultaneous with the conference devoted to berry growing technologies on the same day. The second day, December 13, includes scheduled business tour to powerful berry and processing enterprises - Kamianka-Buzka Food Products Plant (dealing with freezing berries, fruits and vegetables) and farm "Prykarpattia Agro".
The conference organizer is the media group "Technologies and Innovations", publishers of the well-known journal "Berry Field".
The main idea of the conference: to support berry growers even during difficult wartime, popularize the latest technologies and advanced experience gained in the extreme conditions of wartime, contribute to the development of farms and enterprises, solve issues of food security and country `s well-being overall.
The conference aims: to acquaint market participants with state-of-the-art technologies for implementing them in the berry orchards to increase the level of knowledge for running a berry business. Moreover, to find ways to sell and store products in current difficult conditions - from selling on the fresh market to processing, also freezing, cold logistics, and export.
The conference program includes:
• Conference section: "Berry growing: main trends and challenges during wartime". Speeches by practical farmers and representatives of technological companies.
• Discussion panel: "Sales on the domestic market and for export: product quality and certification, packaging, logistics, pricing policy, etc."
• Congress on freezing and cold logistics.
• Exhibition of equipment, tools, plant protection products, fertilizers, etc.
• Negotiation tables with traders.
• Exhibition-tasting of beverages (distillates, wines, ciders, juices, etc.) and processed products based on berries and fruits, including the addition of honey (candies, dried fruits, chips, frozen products, jams, freeze-dried products).
• A charity auction of goods and services for berry growing which funds will be delivered to support the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
• Business tour to leading berry and processing enterprises on December 13.
Conference participants: owners, managers, chief specialists of berry farms, processing enterprises, and product freezing companies, representatives of technological companies, scientists, and everyone who is interested in creating and successfully developing their own business on their land.
Conference participants will discuss many multifaceted issues:
• Blueberry: results of the 2022 season and prospects for the development of the market of this crop in 2023;
• What crop would be better to choose to build a successful business?
• Results of the 2024 season and prospects for market development in 2025.
• How to choose quality planting material.
• Prospects for niche crops - sea buckthorn, hascap, alpine strawberry, rose hip, elderberry, etc.
• Open soil or growing under cover: farming experience.
• Effective methods of increasing the berry yield.
• Financial aspect of berry growing.
• Mechanization and automation in the berry orchard: from planting to harvesting.
• New trends in sorting, processing, and packaging.
• Types and technologies of fruit and berry processing.
• Producer and seller: how to find a common language and be in the profit.
• Experience in the processing of fruit and berry products.
During the Congress on Freezing and Cold Logistics, the following issues will be on the agenda:
• Market of frozen berries in Ukraine. Results of the 2024 season. Prospects for the 2025 season.
• Presentation of successful experience of freezing and cooling of berries.
• Export of frozen berries.
• What is profitable: own freezing capacity at the enterprise or outsourcing services from specialized companies?
• Selection of refrigeration equipment: what mistakes should be avoided?
• Review and analysis of various technologies, types of freezing and cooling of berries, future prospects.
• Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the freezing business.
• Labor protection in production, stuff selection, and energy efficiency.
The second conference day, December 13, will include a business tour of the powerful berry and processing enterprises - Kamianka-Buzka Food Products Plant and farm "Prykarpattia Agro".
The Kamyanka-Buzka Food Products Plant is a new enterprise that started operating in August 2023 in Kamyanka-Buzka, Lviv Region. Energy efficiency was one of the most urgent issues for a new enterprise from Lviv Oblast. Thus, it was decided to use carbon dioxide instead of freon as a refrigerant for the freezing system. The company has installed equipment from leading European and Ukrainian manufacturers, for example, a shock-freezing tunnel from the Polish manufacturer UNIDEX, some part of the equipment from Uni-Masz H.M. Juszczuk Sp.J., optical sorter Sortex, and other equipment of powerful manufacturers. The Koriel Group company installed the refrigeration system for this new enterprise. The total area of the plant is about 4.5 thousand m2, including a pre-cooling chamber, a pre-preparing place for freezing products, a shock-freezing tunnel with a capacity of 3 tons per hour, a packing place, and storage chambers.
Farm "Prykarpattia Agro" is an enterprise that grows highbush blueberries using trademark Boikivchanka, and is located in the village of Pidberezhya, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. The total area of the highbush blueberry plantation will reach 50 hectares, which will be planted gradually in several stages. This farm bought planting material from Dolyna Agro Nursery. TM Boikivchanka berries are grown using organic technology. After harvesting, highbush blueberries are sent for cooling in rented warehouses located in the city of Bolekhiv. After that, skillful hands will pack berries in containers and send them to retail outlets. In the future, the farm is scheduled to build refrigeration units directly on the field and purchase a sorting line. Raspberries are another popular berry at this farm. Moreover, garden strawberries will be grown here thanks to the state grant for the installation of modular greenhouses. 8 greenhouses measuring 10 * 50 m are being built coming soon.
We welcome all participants to participate in the international berry conference, which will help improve your business.
Join the business community for the sake of a joint future. Now more than ever it’s important to support each other and jointly solve urgent issues. We believe in the Armed Forces and joint Victory!
Registration of participants and partners - by contacts:
Larysa Tovkach, phone: +38 097 96 89 516, sad.nti@ukr.net
Anna Pankratenkova, phone: +38 097 759 25 83, reklama.nti@gmail.com
Iryna Petroniuk, phone: +38 096 49 166 92, oksana.buh.ti@gmail.com
Project manager: Nadiya Yashchuk, tel. +38 (068) 568-58-22, rnadia@ukr.net
Creative director: Kateryna Koneva, chief editor of the "Technologies and Innovations" project, phone: +38 067 238 18 51 kateryna.koneva@gmail.com