An International Conference "Berry Growing And Processing: Technologies & Innovations": Includes A business Tour To The Leading Processing Enterprises Of Lviv Region
4th International Scientific - Practical Conference For Representatives Of The Berry And Processing Industries.
Date: December 10-11, 2020
Place: Lviv, Hotel - Restaurant Complex "Warszawa"
The Conference "Berry Growing And Processing: Technologies & Innovations" traditionally combines speeches by leading industry experts, presentations, exhibitions with the experience of practitioners and the opportunity to see examples of successful implementation of up-to-date technologies at first hand. Thus, the conference day will take place on December 10 in Lviv hotel-restaurant complex "Warszawa" which also includes a practical part as a business tour to the leading berry enterprises of Lviv region to be held on December 11. The first visit will take place to the highbush blueberries plantation that belonged to "B.B. Group”(LLC "Blueberry Group"). And, the second one - to the enterprise LLC "GP AGRO", specialized in berry growing and freezing.
The conference program will start its work on December 10, to be more interesting, and cover the whole chain of processes from the berry field preparation to presenting fresh or processed berry products on international markets. The conference will consist of a theoretical part including speeches by experts of the berry market, managers/owners of successful berry farms, fruit nurseries, processing enterprises and producers of berry products, scientists, representatives of government agencies, leading European companies - manufacturers of machinery, equipment, products of plant care and protection.
Within the framework of the conference, a large-scale exhibition of European and Ukrainian companies will take place for introducing the most up-to-date technologies of berry care and the processing of berry products. By tradition, the conference organizer - publishing and information project "Technologies and Innovations" will hold an exhibition-presentation of beverages made based on berries, fruits, and honey, as well as food products with the use of berry crop. At the end of the conference day, there will be a ceremonial buffet and entertainment program. The dress code of the event is embroidered shirts or embroidered clothes!
On December 11, a large-scale business tour will be taking place to the leading processing enterprises of Lviv region, in particular, LLC "Blueberry Group" and LLC "GP AGRO." Thus, LLC "Blueberry Group" (B.B. Group) is a family business, located in the village of Univ, Lviv region, which has been growing highbush blueberries since 2016. The head of the company Igor Mazur now considers his experience of mistakes and amendments as his own advantage, to be ready to share with colleagues and beginners. Currently, the farm covers 8 hectares of highbush blueberries, in particular, 3 hectares already fructify and 5 hectares have recently planted. At the same time, the farm successfully uses a lot of useful approaches and tips for creating berry plantations, plots maintenance, protection of plants against pests and diseases in the western Ukrainian climate. This season, the farm will receive the second industrial harvest of fruit-bearing plantations. According to the optimistic forecast of this season will be harvested about 7 tons per hectare, to pessimistic - 5 tons. And, they are going to expand planting areas, with taken into account the experience of past mistakes and achievements, to increase yields. Participants of the business tour will not only get to know about the peculiarities of growing highbush blueberry but also become a witness of a master class on pruning highbush blueberries. This specific method of pruning has been invented by Igor Mazur, which helps significantly increase the yield of berries.
LLC "GP AGRO" grows berries at a high technological level with further freezing, as well as provides freezing and preparation services for the sale of fruit and berry products to other farmers. The history of "GP AGRO" began in 2014 when the head of the farm Emil Vynnytskyi together with likeminded people, decided to be engaged in the agrarian business having about 40 hectares of land in Kamyanka- Buzkovomy district of Lviv region. First of all, they planted several varieties of black currants. However, later they come up to the conclusion that berries must be not only grown but also processed for creating added value products. After doing market researching, they focused on the arrangement of a complex for freezing and processing berry products. After all, the frozen berry is a product that can be exported to any part of the world, and besides, frozen berry has a relatively stable price, in comparison to fresh berry cost, which may change every year. Participants of the business tour will receive specific tips and recommendations for creating your own processing business.
4th International Conference "Berry Growing And Processing: Technologies & Innovations" will give a unique opportunity to learn the best experiences of colleagues, understand the principles of their work and make sure that product processing creates significant added value products, by doing so, allow to be at the new markets for getting new levels of profits.
We welcome you on 10-11 December in Lviv hotel - restaurant Complex "Warszawa"!
Registration for the conference has already started! We welcome representatives of farms and agricultural enterprises to participate!
Main Branch Partner - Association "Berry of Ukraine"
Main Organizational Partner - hotel - restaurant complex "Warszawa"
Main Business Partner - Dolyna-Agro
General Partner for Plant Protection – company Bayer
Exclusive Technological Partner - company Profpoliv
General Legal Partner - Pakharenko & Partners
General Information Partner - INTERFAX-UKRAINE
Main Information Industry Partner - magazine Berry- Field (Jagodnik)
Media partners - "Horticulture and Viticulture. Technologies and Innovations", Profihort, InfoShuvar, APK-Inform: Vegetables and Fruits, TRK "Rhythm".
Terms of participation in the conference:
For agricultural producers - the participation fee - 2,500 UAH (the price includes payment for participation in all events for 2 days, including a business tour);
Participation fee (1 day without a business tour) - 1,500UAH.
For non-agricultural producers - the participation fee - 4000 UAH (the price includes payment for participation for 2 days, including a business tour); Participation fee (1 day without business tour) - 3,000UAH.
(The price includes a coffee break, lunches, stand-up meals, service during the event; participation in the presentation of fruits and berries, as well as drinks and meals; conference participant package with information materials; detailed post-report on the event with final presentations of speakers sent by e-mail)
Get 10%off:
- For members of the Association "Berry of Ukraine";
- For subscribers of the magazine "Berry-Field" and "Horticulture and Viticulture. Technologies and Innovations".
Anna Pankratenkova (project coordinator), tel. +38 097 75 92 583
Larysa Tovkach, tel. + 38 0979689516,
Iryna Kalyuzhna, tel .: +38 096 458 7682,
Kateryna Olar, tel. +38 096 50 10 254
Iryna Petronyuk, tel .: +38 096 49 16 692