On June 21, within the framework of the business tour, participants of the 3rd International Conference for the horticulture and processing industries "Technologies and Innovations: From Land - to the Finished Product" have visited the experimental demo-fields belonged to the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS and farm Valentyna. The organizers of the business tour were publishing project "Technologies and Innovations" and the General Informative Partner - a magazine "Horticulture and Viticulture. Technologies and Innovations." The leading scientists of the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS have organized a small seminar for the conference participants during which they presented the latest developments in horticulture and beery growing, demonstrated their plantings of fruit and berry crops with the use of innovative cultivation technologies, as well as carried out presentation of fruits grown on the experimental demo-fields.
The deputy director of science, Oleksandr Yareschenko has told the following: "According to 2018, there are 172 varieties of berry crops, 35% of which belongs to the Institute of Horticulture of NAAS, have been added to the Register of Plant Varieties of Ukraine. Meanwhile, we are growing on the experimental demo-fields a lot of varieties of black and red currants, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, hascap, and not only. We do not yet have own varieties of highbush blueberries and blackberries, but we work with foreign varieties of these berry crops."
The head of Selection and Technological Department IH NAAS, doctor of agricultural sciences Olena Kishchak has told about the main trends of modern technologies of industrial cultivation of sweet cherries. In particular, in 2006, the total area of plantations amounted 440 thousand hectares, and in 10 years` time, this figure is increased by 61 thousand hectares. In Ukraine, in 2006, the total area under plantation of sweet cherry amounted 11.9 thousand hectares, and for 10 years` time, this figure decreased by 24%. Thus, the gross value remained at the level of 10 years ago approximately 60-80 thousand tons. Thus, favorable climatic conditions and adapted planting material are optimal for the successful cultivation of Ukrainian sweet cherries for export. Moreover, the expert has noted that during the work of the mission of the People`s Republic of China (PRC) in Ukraine, a draft protocol on phytosanitary requirements for the export of these products to the Chinese market was worked out. But, for today, the global need in this sweet fruit is in 7 times less from demands overall.
The head of the plant protection sector, Igor Shevchuk has delivered a speech on the theme of "Protection of Sweet Cherry Tree against Diseases in Organic Cultivation Technology." According to the reported data, now the main share of pests belongs to cherry fruit fly 33%, black cherry aphids 9%, also a set of leaf worms and weevils and other pests totally 58%. Thus, to avoid pest attacks, horticulturists advise selecting resistant varieties.
Properly grown and harvested in time berry crops must be stored accurately that the consumer receives as good -looks and delicious products as possible. Head of the Laboratory of Technology for the Storage and Processing of Fruits and Berries IH NAAS, Ph.D. Sciences Lyudmila Shevchuk has revealed the main secrets for storing berry crops and gave some tips on how to minimize the treatment of plants with special drugs. More detailed about this issue you can read in the magazine.
The second part of the business tour, participants spent in the gardens of the Institute, where they became acquainted with the cultivation of sweet cherries, apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, black and red currants, highbush blueberries and blackberries.
Oleksandr Yaroshenko has told the following: "Here, we are being in experimental conditions for checking the best varieties of foreign selection. We also cooperate with Ukrainian plant nurseries, and they give us samples of cultivating varieties for testing. We introduce new technologies as well."
This year, we have covered experimental apple plantation by the anti-hail net. Currently, scientists are working on the selection of new disease-resistant apple varieties against scabs and powdery mildew. The future seedlings of the summer varieties have already been called "Malusha" and "Palanka", and winter one "Solomiya". In addition, scientists work on creating new pear varieties resistant to scabs.
To convince participants of the business tour that Ukrainian fruit and berry crops can really compete for a place on the world market, the scientists have conducted the fruits and berries tasting. In particular, they have presented the following own varieties: sweet cherry Annushka, Krupnoplidna, Lubawa, Talisman; raspberry Sashya, Phenomenon, Perseus; cherry Vstrecha, Melitopolska purpura, Siyanets, Turovtseva, Kseniya, Boguslavka, Shalunya, Solidarnist; gooseberry Svarog, Oksamyt, Neslukhivskyy; blackcurrant Oriana; red currant Sviatomikhaylovskaya; peach Melitopolskyi. For comparison of organoleptic quality indices, the fruits of introduced varieties were presented, in particular, strawberry Florence, sweet cherry Regina and Cordia, and blackberry Karaka Black.
The next location of the business tour was the farm "Valentina" in the Kyiv region. The family founders Semerog has told more about the business model of the family economy, its history, peculiarities, and difficulties on the way to success, and prospects. Moreover, the owners have conducted an excursion along apple and plum orchards and told about their own technology of planting new apple trees on the tapestry, watering technology, care, and protection. They gladly opened the door to their mobile workshop for the production of cold-pressed juices and trailed machine from the company VORAN.
The orchard of farm Valentyna was planted in 2003, with time the family continues planting new trees by own technology. Now we grow such apple varieties as Hani Chrisp, Champion, Sapphire, Gala, Florina, Golden, Mutsu, Eliza, Idared, Red Delicious, Spartan. The feature of such kind of juice is that the juice is made separately according to varieties. It means, separately, the juice from the variety of Gala, separately from Golden Delicious, as well as Hani Chrisp, and Champion. For the three years, on the territory of the farm is open own shop for selling own grown products, in particular, fresh apples and plums, juices, as well as strawberry, raspberry, plum jams.
The business tour has turned out very rich, informative and various. Gardeners have acquainted with statistics, theory, scientific achievements, as well as with the results of research and practical experience of successful doing farming business.